Friday, 5 August 2011

Return Tickets to Paris in Aid of Nepal Project

Felix Morgan has been given two tickets by Jet2 to support his fundraising for Project Nepal which was a project by West Yorkshire Scout Leaders to build a school house in a remote village in Nepal and also to support the World Scout Jamboree where Felix is working as a volunteer.

The two return tickets from Leeds/Bradford to Paris are to be booked by the 19th November 2011 and the flight taken before 19th May 2012. The winner to request the dates by an email to Jet2.

Felix has decided to use the tickets to raise funds by offering the tickets to the highest bidder. He is looking for best offers by 5.30pm on Friday 19th August. Could those who are in need of a 'get out of jail free card' or would simply like a special Christmas gift sorted early, please email offers to

If you need any more information please don’t hesitate to contact Felix, especially if you are able to help Felix out with further fundraisng ideas or gifts.

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